Climate Networks Across the UK Public Sector
Many groups have been created over the last few years and they are all doing great work and providing supportive communities for public servants passionate about addressing the Climate and Nature crisis that we are seeing today. We are listing all those that we know so that public servants can find a community or communities that suite their situation, both professional needs and personal interests in addressing this astonishingly difficult issue.
We also host the Cross Government Climate Hub: a community of communities, where we want people from all the public sector communities listed here to share their work with others.
Is your network here?
Which is the best fit for you?
The Civil service has some of the most active climate community groups to get involved with

With the size of the NHS it is no wonder there are so many climate groups to chose from. See which one is the best fit for you


With the size of the NHS it is no wonder there are so many climate groups to chose from. See which one is the best fit for you
